Sacred Heart Sentinels Logo Concepts

The Sacred Heart Catholic High School Nickname Re-name Project aims to address the current nickname, “Crusaders,” and explore more inclusive alternatives that better represent our school community’s values, beliefs, and diversity. Recognizing the historical connotations and sensitivities surrounding the Crusaders’ term, this project embarks on a collaborative journey to discover a new, unifying identity for the school that fosters a sense of belonging and respect for all students, faculty, and stakeholders.

Sentinels” refers to individuals or entities acting as guards or protectors. In a Catholic high school like Sacred Heart, this name could symbolize its commitment to nurturing and protecting its students’ well-being, moral values, and education. Sentinels are also associated with watchfulness and vigilance. This can represent the school’s dedication to providing a safe and supportive environment for students and ensuring they receive a high-quality education.

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